A great volunteer opportunity awaits you! Let's get started!


Volunteer before, during or after an event either on your own or with a group. On-base commands, on-base organizations, and individuals with base access are all welcome. Event volunteers are most often needed to assist with set up of tables, chairs, handing out bottled water, serving refreshments, monitoring activities, post tear down/clean up, etc. All volunteers must have an approved Volunteer agreement on file with Navy MWR Mid-South before they can serve as a volunteer. 

How to register to join our team of volunteers:

  1. Take a look at our event calendar and decide which you are interested in.
  2. Click here to download the Volunteer Agreement (boxes 1-5, and 12a-c must be completed.) Email the completed form to the Volunteer Coordinators at nsamidsouth_comREC@us.navy.mil. Please include "Volunteer Agreement Form" in the subject line.) You only need to complete this document once during fiscal year. It will be kept on file and referred to confirm your eligibility to serve as a volunteer for all events within that fiscal year. Our lead volunteer coordinator will track all of the volunteer forms submitted for MWR, route them up for the CO’s signature and maintain our master database of volunteer registrations as well as serve liaison to facilitate communication between event coordinators and volunteers as appropriate and necessary.  

Our lead volunteer coordinator will follow up with you by email to gather any additional information that may be needed, to confirm you have been approved to serve as a volunteer and/or to provide instructions to prepare you to fulfill your duties as volunteer for specific activities.

And note... before you leave Navy Mid-South, let MWR know and you will receive a letter with the total number of hours you have volunteered. It looks great on evaluations and resumes.